10+ Best Tips for Instagram Business Accounts

10+ Best Tips for Instagram Business Accounts

Handing out your business or working for an organization can be benefited by using social media platforms. Social media is the future and as per the research, there are more than 4.5 billion people who are active on Instagram and also on other platforms.

Social media benefits us in a very important way brand promotions, marketing, building personal brands and many more things are handled online and this takes us to today’s topic which is 10+ best tips for Instagram business accounts Which you should know about.

Some people are looking forward to making an online presence for their business but it’s quite difficult to start when you don’t know about the basics of social media platforms. Instagram is a well known social media platform where people share their photos and videos as it’s a social networking service offered by Facebook. The founders of Instagram are Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger.

Why Should You Grow Your Business on Instagram?

Instagram is one of the most used social media platforms and apart from LinkedIn and Twitter Instagram is the only platform where you can scale up your business. Instagram offers amazing features to the business accounts and is also best to use for your Instagram growth. It’s easy and simple for you to grow on Instagram so if you’re getting started here are some tips which you can follow to give better growth to your business.

1. Optimize Your Profile

Optimize Your Instagram Profile

Optimizing your profile simply means working on your business profile, setting up a unique bio, a profile picture that indicates your brand and where people can know more about your business like putting in your website URL in bio or a youtube channel link of your business.

Your account profile should reflect your business and also you’ve to be aware of the hashtags you are using in your bio. Add your website link by which people can know more about your product or service.

2. Content is Not a King It’s a Kingdom

People used to say Content is the king but it’s a Kingdom. What you offer where you belong, which services or products you give everything will be decided by the content you provide. Adding value to people’s lives by your content is the only thing you’ve to focus on.

You’ve to post amazing and unique content for people and it will eventually help you to grow your business. Post everything about your business and how your product or service is helpful for them. Try to utilise the features provided by Instagram for business accounts and keep creating amazing content.

3. Know and Target Your Audience

Know and Target Your Audience

If your brand or service is about automobiles then your targeted audience is riders, car lovers and people who love to learn and know about cars. Posting content isn’t something new you didn’t know about but you don’t have to keep posting without knowing your audience.

You’ve to tackle your audience according to your business type. Capturing your ideal audience is the only goal you need to focus on while posting your content.

4. Utilise Instagram Features

Utilising Instagram features simply means taking up live sessions, QNA, taking feedback, and many more. Recently Instagram announced the reels where people can share their videos.

You’ve to utilise every feature provided by Instagram for business accounts like posting reels, run ads, ad tools, insights and many more. Take a look at your insights and the only way you’re going to get feedback is by viewing the insights of your content.

5. Use Effective Hashtags

Use Effective Hashtags

Hashtags play the real card when it comes to posting content. You’ve to know your audience and also post content according to your relevance. Using effective and useful hashtags will help you to reach the audience you’re trying to target.

The only way you’re content is to reach your audience by using effective and useful hashtags which are connected to your business.

6. Schedule Your Content Posting and Know the Engagement Time

While posting content you’ll mess up if you don’t know how many requirements are there and what is your ideal goal. Make a schedule of your content posting which we’ll eventually help you with making amazing content for your business account.

In the setting, you’ll find out the engagement time when most of your followers are active and you’ve to post your content in that time which we’ll help you to connect with people the second you post something.

7. Choose Quality Over Quantity

Choose Quality Over Quantity

The quality of your content is as important as the quality of your product or service. As we told you, try to add value to people’s lives. If your content is not valuable then there are high chances that your business wouldn’t be appreciated by people.

8. Use Brand Promotions

Using brand promotions on Instagram is an effective way to lead your business. Try to connect with people who are in a similar field. If your business is about clothing and fashion then there are many fashion influencers you can connect with and do brand promotion.

9. Run Unique Ads

Run Unique Ads on Instagram

Running unique ads for your business will give you a chance to elaborate more on your business and it will eventually help you to reach more people.

Running ads is also effective if you’re giving some swipe up options and offering different deals to your audience.

10. Be Consistent and Attentive

Being consistent with your content is the best way to lead and keep updating your audience. Doing everything with consistency will help you to scale up your business and also to enhance your online presence on Instagram.

11. Track Your Growth

Track Your Growth

Just posting content like a machine isn’t enough to know if your content is likeable or not and doing experiments is also important. So you’ve to track your growth by tracking it. You’ll get feedback and also help you to try different experiments in your content strategy.


So here in this post, we’ve mentioned some amazing tips for a business Instagram account. We hope you received valuable information from this post and if you find this helpful then make sure you share it.

By Catherine Waddell

Catherine is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of Techmediabooks.com. She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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