7 Unforgivable SEO Mistakes Everyone Makes

SEO Mistakes

Not getting Traffic even though you work hard.

Traffic is the ultimate goal of everyone who is striving very hard in writing content for their blog

Do you know the reasons “Why your hard work is not bringing you the traffic?”

If you are not getting enough traffic even though you are working on your blog for more than 3 months, you are committing the following mistakes which you are not realizing till now.

In this post, I am going to show you What are the 7 unforgivable SEO mistakes Everyone makes which leads to ZERO ORGANIC TRAFFIC.

No more waiting … let’s go

7 Unforgivable SEO Mistakes Everyone Makes

1. Giving Importance to Quantity over Quality

Yeah, it is true

Google will give more preference to the website with more content, but it does not mean Having thousands of useless articles will bring tons of traffic.

Google gives preference to the websites with more number of posts than websites with less posts but it’s valid only if the quality of the content is high.

Quality is more important than Quantity to get ranked on any search engine.


Give first importance to quality than quantity.

2. User Search Intent

Previously, Google used to show the pages on top only based on keywords, but with the development of A. I and implementation of machine learning in search algorithms, it is giving more importance to the search intent of the user.

User search is nothing but the main goal of the user while typing specific words in the search engine.

For Example:

If I am looking to buy shoes online, I will search Best shoes online.

The intention behind my search keyword is my buying intention.

Identifying the user search intent will help you to cater the information based on his interest otherwise it will affect the website traffic.

Let’s analyse this with the below example:

What is the difference between the user search intent behind the following keywords?

  • Best shoe for running
  • Running Shoe

Best shoe for running shows the buying intent of the user, where Running shoes shows the intention of the user is to gain knowledge about the running shoe.

What will happen If you send a user with a buying intention to the webpage with running shoe information?

Obviously, The user will leave the page within seconds, and it will increase the bounce rate.

So writing content without identifying the user content will increase your website bounce rate and results in ZERO TRAFFIC.

Identifying the user search intent helps you to cater information what user needs which increases the dwell time of the page.

Next time onwards, first identify the user intent of the keyword and write the article or post which fulfills the user intention.

3. Lack of Proper Plan

“If you failed to plan, you planned to fail”

Planning is important in every work, proper planning gives a clear vision and analytics on How much time you need to invest to get desired results.

Starting SEO for a website without a proper plan will be an endless journey.

A proper SEO plan will give you clear insight about

  1. Who is your audience?
  2. What type of content your audience is looking for?
  3. How many posts needed per week to bring the desired traffic to the website?
  4. And tons of benefits

Another important thing is, you can build valuable loyal readers to your blog by posting High-quality content without compromise because of the planning.

4. Ignoring Structuring and Readability

You have ever noticed that “Your likability to read a blog over Wikipedia is more ”

The reason behind this behavior is that Human Eye loves to read well-structured content.

By ignoring the structuring and readability of your content, you are increasing the bounce rate of the website which will affect your page ranking.

So present your content in a well-readable format by including Headings, Images, and highlighting the vital information with bold or unique colors which will reduce the bounce rate.

5. Playing with Backlinks

As we know, backlinks are the number one ranking factor on Google. Building low-quality backlinks from unknown websites and blog commenting will hurt your website.


After building backlinks, you should monitor the backlinks list which helps you kill toxic backlinks and rebuild broken backlinks.

So please take care while building backlinks

6. SSL Certification and Website Loading Speed

SSL certification and website loading speed are major factors in ranking factors.

Whether you write a research paper and a simple useful blog post, lack of fast loading speed will irritate the user and make him/her leave your website before loading complete information.

To improve the loading speed of your webpage to reduce bounce rate.

When it comes to SSL certification, most people think SSL is only mandatory for eCommerce sites, but Google will consider SSL as one of the important ranking factors.

So Please enable SSL for the purpose of Google and it also builds trust among the user.

7. Copyright or Duplicate Content

It is better not to publish content If you are copying the content.

Publishing duplicate content is like pouring water into a vessel with a hole which has no use in doing.

Duplicate content will hurt a webpage very badly.

Writing content by stealing a few lines from multiple blogs will badly hurt your website rank.

It is good to read other blogs to gain knowledge, but writing content by using duplicate content from other blogs as a building block of your content will hurt your website.

So please make sure to publish content with ZERO plagiarism and no grammatical mistakes which will increase the authority of your webpage.

These are the unforgivable SEO mistakes most people make which are affecting their website traffic.

If you made any of the mistakes, please go and rectify them before getting affected.
I am considering this article helps you a lot in gaining the most valuable information regarding SEO mistakes and the importance of SEO.

Please share your opinion on this information and ask your doubts in the comment section.

By Catherine Waddell

Catherine is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of Techmediabooks.com. She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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