How to Create Language Learning App Like Duolingo in 2024?

How to Create Language Learning App Like Duolingo in 2022

Today, language learning became a trend among people. People love to learn languages other than their native language. The benefit of learning languages ability to communicate with people from other countries also language learning helps in international business communication.

We are better known that this is a competitive era, many jobs, and business opportunities come from other countries along with our home country. To overcome the communication barriers we must have to learn foreign languages. To fulfill this need people go in search of language learning apps like ‘Duolingo’.

It has been found that ‘Duolingo’ seems to be the most successful language learning platform nowadays. Many app developers are trying to build such language learning apps and generate revenue. Language learning apps are said to be good sources of income today, so if anyone wants to develop language learning apps then this article will help.

What Exactly ‘Duolingo App’ is?

Duolingo is nothing but a language learning platform. It is free to use platform always open for users. The main part of this user can learn the language starting from scratch. Duolingo organizes various language learning programs for its users. There are step-by-step lessons for language learning. There are various levels by completing which user steps towards the upper level. For providing courage and language interest Duolingo gives some points these points help to learn language more competitively. That’s amazing!

How do Language Learning Apps Works?

For understanding the working of language learning apps we have to understand different aspects of it. So, let’s take a look at it.

Visual Content

If you want to develop a language learning app like Duolingo then you must have to add visual content to it. Learning videos along with the audio is a must for easy learning. Videos must contain useful material with good explanations. Visuals, music, and parts of movies are also added to learn that particular language by just watching the video.

Subtitles play an important role in language learning apps so keep in mind. In some parts, translations are also required to understand the language structures so, that must be provided.

Written Material

Reading books is easy as well as the best option to learn any language. The app must provide such useful printed material to the user. The app can recommend useful books, novels, and fiction stories to the user for improving their language skills. Rather the book recommendation app can also provide content translations for the user to understand the language completely.

Language Training Exercises

The app must organize the language training exercises for the users. New words, phrases, vocabulary, and sentence structures all have to be designed for the explanation of language for the users. Training is a must to learn the language fluently.

Implementation of Chatbots

Implementation of chatbots in language learning apps is the other best way to provide the learning opportunity to user. Chatbots are used to answer the frequent questions asked by the users. If any user gets pronunciation confusion, or verbal communication difficulties then he will feel free to ask his concerns to these chatbots.

Chatbots are useful for the app in many ways not only for language learning concerns but also help to provide a better user experience through its use. So, chatbots are necessary for the app.

How to Create Your Language Learning App

Whenever you thought to make your language learning platform, you have to know some app development aspects. These development aspects are most important for the app. So, let’s take a look at these language learning app development aspects.

UI/UX Design

Your language learning app has to be user-friendly as well as eye-pleasing. Users feel attracted to your app. Appealing design helps to keep your user’s potential with all the learning lesions till the end when it gets started. Keep your app design as simple as possible with an attractive and appealing design. For this purpose, you can hire the best designer, do not do it yourself cause it is an important part of your app.

Operating System

There are various devices active in the market. Some users have ios and some have android operating systems. Owing to this you have to build your app for both operating systems. Of course, you know it will cost more but if you want to be a successful app developer then you have to invest such cost. Language learning apps become a trend today, so many language learning apps are coming into the market so, you have to compete with all other apps in the market.

Social Network Integration

This is the integration of social networks. Social network integration enables the connectivity between more than one social network and it helps to simplify the sign-in and registration process within the app. Such a rapid registration process saves more time for users.

Introduce Games

Language training seems to be a tired program. To reduce this kind of uninteresting things app must contain game-like training. Duolingo is the best example of a gamified language learning app. Your app must be like that. You have to gamify boring language learning into exciting learning.

App Convenience

Try to achieve convenience in app development. Always try to fulfill the needs of learners by providing video, and audio material as well as organizing training programs. Your app must provide the best content to the user.

Features to be Included in Language Learning App

Features are very important aspects of language learning apps. Consider the following main features while developing an app

Account Creation and Sign-in Process

This is the initial feature of user authorization. Users have to create an account for using app services. Keep this process as simple and short as possible. For this process you can ask for the user’s data such as name, email address, authorizing password, age, gender, etc. to simplify this process you can give options of authorization from other social media apps.

User Data Collection

User data collection is part of the sign-in process. This includes the collection of data from the user. The process involves the filling of user personal information. Such data helps to create the user profile and also helps to verify the user after signing out or forgetting the password.

  • Profile Data – includes the request for a name, age, gender, DOB, profile picture, etc.
  • Preferred Learning Language – the language name which the user wants to learn. A list of all languages must be shown at this feature for user selection.
  • Level of Language – ask about the level of language that the user already had in terms of the percentage.
  • Daily Study Hours – ask the hours of study the user wants to do.

Language Learning

As soon as the user completes his profile then the learning options must be displayed in front of him to start the learning.

Now the Learning Process Begins

Initially, the user has to set his own learning goals. After each successful completion of a goal, the points have been given as a reward. If a user fails to complete the set level then he will have to try again till the level gets completed successfully.

You can give everything as a reward like gems, points, hearts, etc. think your own about the awards given in-app. This strategy is based on the Duolingo app.

Along with the award system, you can also include some other creative and interesting features like,

  • Selecting the Pictures: user has to select the picture to respond to the asked question by a quiz in-app. More than two options would be given for each question.
  • Translate the Sentence: this is also the type of language learning process. Users have to translate the given sentence into the learning language.
  • Selecting the Correct Translations: is another best way to train the language user.
  • Audio Translations: this helps the user to translate the complex language into his native language to understand the language.
  • Missing Word Selection: the question is asked by an app that has the missing word. Users have to select the correct missing word from the given options.

Club Feature

The club feature is the most popular on the ‘The Duolingo app’. This feature allows users to make a club for language practice. People can join this club and talk with each other. Club also helps to interact with people around the globe for language practice.

In-app Purchasing

In-app purchasing is the best way to monetize your app. If any user wants to buy gems or points then this method will help him. To generate enough revenue from this app you have to imply such methods of monetization.

The Development Cost of Duolingo Like the Language Learning App

App development directly depends upon the investment in it. More the investment, more features would be offered to the user. Higher investments lead to advanced features. Here is some aspect on which the cost is set. We cannot say the direct amount of app development because there include so many other parts of the app which consume more time as well as money.

An estimated cost of a simple user interface-designed Duolingo-like app is about $4000 to $6000 or above. This amount will rise if the time taken is increased. The time required for only UX design is about 200 hours depending upon app complexity.

Cost of the Language Training Program Within the App

The development of a language training program is a lengthy process so, it cost more. The developmental core points are as follows

  • Operating system ios or android
  • Backend development or front end development
  • Quality check/ analysis/ testing
  • Language app publication

The approx hours required to develop are 1000 hrs. This costs about $35000, all costs based upon the expert’s hourly rate. All these developmental cost parameters are based on the Duolingo, if you wish to develop your language learning app then this will cost more than the usual.


Hopefully, now you got all the important points and developmental concepts. Consider all these aspects if you want to build a language learning app. Hire expert app developers for better success.

Set your development goal and do your best. The more advanced features you offer to users the more success you will get.

For the development of apps, you can hire individual experts or you can hire an app development company.

Last but not least, plan a strong marketing strategy for your app. Aware people about your app by using free or paid advertising campaigns. Do your best and success is yours.

By Catherine Waddell

Catherine is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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